Tuesday, May 02, 2006

bsdtalk037 - Interview with the Freesbie Development Team

News: PC-BSD 1.0 and OpenBSD 3.9 are out.

Interview with the Freesbie Development Team:
Dario Freni, Matteo Riondato, Massimiliano Stucchi, Rudy Lamarca.

Sorry about my audio troubles.

File info: 8.4MB 18 min.


  1. Anonymous8:21 AM

    Xfce 4.4 (beta 1) was released on the 17th of april... It's been over a year since the last major branch, version 4.2, was released.

  2. Since it's beta, I don't want to include it in FreeSBIE. I don't think it's in the FreeBSD ports yet either.

    (Matteo Riondato)
