Monday, August 21, 2006

bsdtalk062 - Interview with YAWS developer Claes Klacke Wikstrom

Interview with YAWS developer Claes "Klacke" Wikstrom.
Links from the show:

File Info: 8MB, 18Min

Ogg Link:


  1. Anonymous4:52 AM

    Programmer time is more expensive than processing power...

  2. Anonymous5:34 AM

    .. which is just another reason to use high-level languages like Erlang.

  3. Anonymous10:09 AM

    Will, it's pronouced er-lang.

  4. Anonymous11:05 AM

    It would have been nice to know more about his gripes about PHP. Though I suspect it's likely the usual list of complaints, the critics have.

  5. Anonymous12:02 AM

    Rasmus Lerdof, the creator of the first version PHP has always said that he hated programming, that it's really just the result he's after. Mr. Wikstrom has long been in the business of research and development of programming, so the programming itself is more of an art than a annoying task. These approaches will produce a different paradigm, and that paradigm will always stick with the language, no matter how many features it has.

    A lisp programmer is not going to be impressed by Python even if it does have a lambda function now because the 2.4 release it's still founded on the same OO/procedural language that the 1.0 was. I'm not knocking Python, I'm just saying that to ask for a list of complaints doesn't get at the real issue of what he does love in a programming language.

  6. Anonymous5:19 PM

    Nice interview, but what's airlong? ;-)

  7. Anonymous2:33 AM

    Airlong is the Swedish and Danish [i.e. correct] way to pronounce the Danish surname Erlang. As in Agner Krarup Erlang.

  8. Sorry about how I pronounce Erlang. I've only been exposed to it in print. I got the "air" part of it because it was developed at Ericsson, which I pronounce "air rick son". Once you get used to pronouncing something one way, it is hard to change. I hope it didn't annoy people too much.

  9. Anonymous2:46 PM

    Personally, I didn't find your pronunciation annoying, it had just never occured to me to pronounce Erlang that way, even though I pronounce Ericsson the same way you do.

    Pronunciation is an interesting problem when so many people are exposed to many words only as online text like this.
