Monday, August 06, 2007

bsdtalk124 - PC-BSD Founder Kris Moore

Interview with PC-BSD Founder Kris Moore. We talk about the upcoming 1.4 release.

File Info: 12Min, 6MB.

Ogg Link:


  1. Anonymous8:45 AM

    is it to hard to post the link to the ogg version of the interviews enclosed in the html a tags?

  2. I find that whenever I include links in the body of the post it messes up the iTunes feed. I don't know what is wrong. Perhaps the site template or some other problem.

  3. Anonymous7:04 AM

    I wish you would change your encoding because your podcasts play back double speed on my mp3 player and when using mpg123/ogg123 or mp3blaster. You're not alone in this regard, but I care more about your podcast than some of the others who are using awkward encodings. That means I have to either re-encode to use it how I want to and how I normally listen, or start X and listen via xmms since it can deal with different encodings (I usually don't run X).

  4. Which encoding setting would work better?

  5. Anonymous4:16 PM

    Actually, stereo/two-channel would do the trick. I think it's the one-channel thing that was driving both the portable audio player and my audio apps crazy. I went ahead and converted all the bsdtalk -- and other single-channel -- podcasts I have to two-channel oggs (22050 sample rate) using sox. They now work perfectly. Thanks for your podcasts.

  6. Anonymous12:26 AM

    is ur audio setup on a crutch? If it's just the mono thing that's killing it, i would have to say that it's pretty lame indeed... Reencode for stereo, and what - double the amount of space that the file will take up?

  7. Phone conversations are mono, so converting to stereo would only double the file sizes. Perhaps there is some other fix?

  8. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Like I wrote, I halved the bit sampling and added a second channel. As a result, my files are a little smaller than the originals. No worries, I'll just do it myself.
