Tuesday, December 22, 2009

bsdtalk183 - Randal L. Schwartz

Four years of BSDTalk.

Interview with Randal Schwartz. We talk about his early experiences with BSD, permissive licenses, OpenBSD, OpenSolaris, perl, the BSDFund credit card, and the Floss Weekly podcast.

File Info: 24Min, 12MB.

Ogg Link:


  1. Gah. I misspoke. PDP 11/70, not VAX 11/70. What was I thinking? :)

  2. A few notes about the BSD Fund Visa that was mentioned in the show:

    When you sign up, some money goes directly to BSD Fund. At time goes on, income is divided between Linux Fund and BSD Fund based on the number of cardholders because of the privacy rules. The first BSD Fund Visa revenue has been used for a BSDCan 2010 sponsorship!

    Michael Dexter

    BSD FUnd Program Manager

  3. Randal,

    I need sed -i. Thank you.

  4. @bw i agree! :) dont like the way he talks about linux and bsd etc
