Thursday, June 10, 2010

bsdtalk191 - Clang and llvm with Roman Divácký and Ed Schouten

Interview from BSDCan 2010 with Roman Divácký and Ed Schouten. We talk about the work being done to build FreeBSD with Clang/LLVM.

File Info: 17Min, 8MB

Ogg Link:


  1. another great podcast. I work on gcc i don't really know much about llvm i prob should read up on it.

  2. We've been hearing a lot recently about how dynamic compilation is a feature that llvm has that gcc doesn't, so the interview is timely. With BSD's adoption of llvm, what process will be invoking the dynamic compiler, the kernel? During the interview, the guests mentioned the example where OpenGL instructions could usefully be precompiled to SSE. Would OpenGL be invoking the compilation at run-time and where does Clang get involved? Thanks for pointers to references that address this kind of question.
