Wednesday, June 13, 2007

bsdtalk117 - One Time Passwords

  • Important when you don't trust the computer you are using, such as a library computer or internet kiosk.
  • Available by default in Free/Net/Open BSD.
  • FreeBSD uses OPIE, Net/Open use S/Key.
  • One time passwords are based on your pass phrase, a non-repeating sequence number, and a seed.
  • Initial setup should be done directly on the server.
  • "skeyinit" for Net/Open, "opiepasswd -c" for FreeBSD.
  • Enter a pass phrase that is not your regular account password.
  • Find your current sequence number and seed with "opieinfo" or "skeyinfo", for example: "497 pc5246".
  • Generate a list of the next 10 passwords and write them down, using "opiekey -n 10 497 pc5246" or "skey -n 10 497 pc5246".
  • When you log in from a remote machine that might have a keystroke logger, you can now use a one time password instead of your regular password.
  • For OpenBSD, log in as account:skey, for example "bob:skey", which will cause the system to present the s/key challenge.
  • For NetBSD, the system will always present you with the s/key challenge if it is configured for your account, although you can still use your regular password.
  • FreeBSD by default will force you to use a one time password if it is configured for your account.
  • If you want both OPIE and password authentication, FreeBSD allows you to list trusted networks or hosts in /etc/opieaccess.
  • Instead of carrying a list of passwords around, you can use s/key generators on a portable device that you trust, such as a palm pilot.
  • For more info, check the man pages.
File info: 6Min, 4MB.

Ogg Link:


  1. Anonymous11:05 PM

    Instead of carrying a list of passwords around, you can use s/key generators on a portable device that you trust, such as a palm pilot.

    I installed an OTP calculator on my mobile phone: jotp, the Java OTP Calculator.

  2. Anonymous4:49 AM

    What happened to the Ogg feed? Amarok complains about "invalid data" and if I click on the feed link in Firefox, it comes up empty... :(

  3. The ogg feed is hosted by a listener. Maybe his server is having problems.

  4. Anonymous3:27 PM

    thanks alot for this. i always wondered about one time passwords but never took the time to look into it.

  5. Anonymous5:58 AM

    I discovered the other day that I can get this podcast through iTunes--very cool!

    However, this episode didn't appear.

    I tried downloading the mp3 and got...

    Safari can’t connect to the server.
    Safari can’t open the page “” because it could not connect to the server “”.

  6. Sorry. Server upgrades today, so the files might be unavailable for a bit.

  7. Anonymous10:41 AM

    DragonFly works like FreeBSD.

  8. Neat, thanks :-) I didn't even know about OTP on BSD before this.

  9. Could you please correct the URL to the Ogg in the Ogg feed ? In feed, it is stored as "" . And also tonnes of thanks for producing such great stuff. I just found this today, and listened to no. of Oggs. Thanks :)

  10. Anonymous6:59 PM

    Instead of carrying a list of passwords around, you can use s/key generators on a portable device that you trust, such as a palm pilot.
