The NetBSD Foundation would like to announce its 2007 fundraising campaign. See for more details.
Interview with DragonflyBSD's Matthew Dillon. We talk about the 1.10 release and the design of a new filesystem.
File Info: 20Min, 10MB
Ogg Link:
RegardingNetBSD, you should interview NetBSD founder Hann regarding his mailing list posting concerning the death of NetBSD, and solutions, if a fork is in the works or feasable. Regardless of the state of NetBSD, having a founder state that his project is dying certainly is news-worthy, if only to elaborate and provide posible solutions.
PS-The verficiation system below does not support SeaMonkey and FF last time I checked. You simply just don't see it.
Regardless of the state of NetBSD, having a founder state that his project is dying certainly is news-worthy, if only to elaborate and provide posible solutions.